If you’re a publisher or any type of content creator, you’re likely generating your current revenue the traditional way with newsstand sales, advertising, and paid subscriptions. But have you considered other ways you could be generating an additional revenue stream? In order to be truly successful, you must diversify your revenue. Think of content licensing… Continue reading 3 Reasons You Should Partner with a Content Licensing Agency
Category: Content Licensing
How to Supercharge Your Award Programs for Recognition and Revenue
We see them all the time in print and online, and there are numerous TV shows that celebrate their existence. Yes, we are talking about awards. The movie industry has the Oscars, music has the Grammys, the Webbys honor online excellence – there are even awards for bird watching and grass growing. All of these… Continue reading How to Supercharge Your Award Programs for Recognition and Revenue
3 Benefits of Launching Your Own Awards Programs
Adding yet another thing to your list of to-do’s is something many of us don’t get excited about. Our plates are already overflowing so why consider launching a new awards program with your brand and hope it’s successful? Simple. The reasons to launch an awards program outweigh the reasons holding you back, especially if you… Continue reading 3 Benefits of Launching Your Own Awards Programs
Publishers, How Do You Measure Success?
Success is measured in so many different ways across your organization. Your marketing department likely looks at website conversions, email open rates and digital referrals while your IT department might look at efficiency in software enhancements. No matter what department you are in, it all comes down to revenue. As a publisher, the revenue you… Continue reading Publishers, How Do You Measure Success?
The Two Quickest Ways to Organically Grow Your Content Licensing Revenue
For many of our partners, they see content licensing revenue but want to know what they can do to generate even more. If you are looking to generate more revenue organically through content licensing, you’ve got to actually do something with the brand equity you already have. That “something” is dependent on several factors, which… Continue reading The Two Quickest Ways to Organically Grow Your Content Licensing Revenue
Why You Should Outsource Your Content Licensing
Some tasks are outsourcing naturals, but what about content licensing? How can you decide which makes the most sense – keeping this function in-house or outsourcing it to a partner? Printing, payroll, and benefits are often outsourcing no-brainers. The trick with content licensing is this – can you find a trustworthy agency that will generate… Continue reading Why You Should Outsource Your Content Licensing
4 Ways to Convert Your Assets into Revenue
Would you walk into a store, plop money down on the counter, and then walk out without buying anything? You are if you aren’t introducing your brand to new monetizing opportunities. With these four easy-to-implement, no cost ways to increase your revenue, there’s never been a better time to do so. Your assets and your… Continue reading 4 Ways to Convert Your Assets into Revenue